1.People first lived in Greece about 55,000 years ago.
2.Some of the frescoes show the Minoans worshipping a bull and an Earth goddess.
3.In Knossos, the Minoans built a great civilization.
4.The Mycenaeans adopted many elements of Minoan civilization.
5.Citizens met in the agora to discuss common issues.
6.Greeks would often travel to oracles to ask questions about the future.
7.We do not really know who the author or authors of the two epic poems attributed to Homer were; however, the period described is often called the Homeric Age.
8.The Greeks created myths to explain their world.
9.The Olympics were probably held for the first time in 776 B.C. to honor the god Zeus.
10.As hoplites became more important to the city-states, they demanded more say in the city's government.
11.Helots made up the third and lowest group in Spartan society.
12.Ephors were elected from the Spartan assembly, which included all male citizens over 30 years old.
13.Sparta's goal was to make every adult male citizen part of the military machine.
14.Draco's laws were so harsh and severe that today we call a harsh law a Draconian law.
15.Metics could not take part in government or own land.
16.Trade was the mainstay of Athen's economy.
17.Terracing means carving small, flat plots of land from hillsides.
18.Even at home, women were expected to stay in the background.
19.Parents arranged marriages and often girls were married at 13 or 14 to men twice their age or older.
20.Men called Sophists opened schools for older boys in the 400s B.C.
21.Pericles was a great general, orator, and statesman in Athens, and was responsible for building the Parthenon and the Acropolis.
22.In 492 B.C., Darius' forces conquered Thrace and Macedonia; however, the Athenians stopped his invasion of Greece.
23.Thucydides authored a book titled the History of the Peloponnesian Wars.
24.The Persian navy was larger than the Athenian navy, but the Athenian ships were smaller and more maneuverable and sank most of the Persian fleet.
25.The Persian War between Greece and Persia lasted from about 500 B.C. to 479 B.C.
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