Monday, May 16, 2011

rome 2

famous romans

roman empire

Julius Caesar

These seem to be three good sources we could use in class because they give us adequate information that could be beneficial to learning about Rome. I think knowing the who, what, when, where and why when studying ancient Rome is vital to remembering all the information. There is a lot to learn about Rome, but some things from ancient rome actually come from ancient Greece. I am looking forward to exploring these sources for information on ROME!!

Rome 1

1.Landowners who controlled the government through inherited positions were patricians.
2.Tribunes were officials with the power to refuse Senate actions that were not in the public interest.
3. A dictator was a citizen elected as an absolute ruler.
4.Plebians increased their power over time and were first appointed to the government in the late 400s B.C.
5.Consuls ran the government, commanded the army, and could appoint dictators.

1.Rome feared that if Carthage controlled the Mediterranean, Rome would not be able to expand overseas.
2.When the Romans moved into southern Italy, Carthage feared that they would also try and take Sicily, where Carthage had markets and colonies.
3.Carthage was destroyed in 146 B.C.
4.Macedonia came under Roman "protection" in 197 B.C.
5.The gap between rich and poor continued to grow as the Roman empire expanded

1.Marc Antony helped Caesar's grandnephew, Octavian, inherit Rome and ruled with him in the Second Triumvirate.
2.Some senators, including two of Caesar's friends, formed a conspiracy and killed Caesar in the Senate on the Ides of March.
3.Together, the Five Good Emperors - Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius - ruled Rome well for almost 100 years.
4.Caesar, Licinius Crassus, and Gnaeus Pompey formed a political alliance called the First Triumvirate in 60 B.C.
5.The reign of Augustus began a period of Roman peace.

1.The government passed new laws as needed and judges reinterpreted old laws to fit new circumstances.
2.Growing trade, good transportation, a strong government, revised laws, and a strong army all helped to unify and strengthen the Roman Empire.
3.Over time, Roman religious beliefs were increasingly influenced by Greek thought.
4.Gladiators were trained fighters and their fights most often ended in death.
5.Roman engineers were masters at building roads, bridges, arenas, and public buildings.

1.Rabbis were Jewish scholars who interpreted scriptures and were learned in Jewish laws, and became the leaders of Jewish congregations.
2.Many people turned to Christianity in the times of trouble that followed the reign of the Five Good Emperors, and soon the sect became too large for the government to punish all its members.
3.Many Christians became martyrs - people put to death for their beliefs.
4.Better church organization and the Declaration of Constantine also helped establish Christianity and stabilize the church.
5.The Latin word "pope" means "father" in English. Any decisions made by the pope were equivalent to those coming directly from the disciples, who had received their authority from Jesus.

1.Inflation rose when the emperors responded to the shortage of silver by decreasing the amount of silver in each coin in order to mint more coins.
2.Today's use of the word "vandal" suggests the terror and destruction that accompanied the continuing invasions.
3.The decline of manufacturing and loss of war loot in the late Empire contributed to the fall of the empire.
4.Attila the Hun was a fierce leader who attacked Gaul in A.D 451.
5.The empire in the West did not "fall" in a single day or from a single occurrence; instead, the empire in the West gradually declined over a long period.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Greek God Project

Background Information
Aphrodite is the goddess of love, sexuality, and beauty. Aphrodite was said to have the girdle, which carried magical powers that was responsible for people falling in love. She got married to Hephaestus, the god of blacksmith; Aphrodite was Eros' mother, who was the god of love who brought lovers together using the love dart. She was unhappy with the marriage and found comfort with other gods like the god of war, Ares, as well as Hermes, the god of travelers, Dionysus, the god of wine, and Adonis, the vegetation god of youth. Although Ares was her favorite "lover" so to speak. Apart from gods, she also has had relations with mortal men. Anchises is probably the most important mortal character that she's had sexual relations with. And from her many affairs she had many children.

Are you looking for love? But not really interested in a commitment? Well then you should consider Aphrodite’s Speed dating! It will be hosted at Dionysus Winery on the third Saturday of every month from 7 to 9 pm. You must be single to attend. Here is how it works : there will be a series of 5 minute rounds where you and a member of the opposite sex will converse with one another. At the end of the five minutes either the males or females will rotate to the next table and the pattern will continue until everyone has met. If there is a guy/ girl you found interesting you may retrieve their number from them and plan a second date or do with it as you please. If not you only wasted five minutes of your day.
Come out for a good time with good wine and a chance to meet the “one”.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Greek 4

I chose this picture to represent the Greek chapter because The Greek gods are the most well known part of ancient greece. I chose Zeus because he is the most powerful god and represents the strength of all the gods and their own specific power. I would say that without the greek gods of ancient greece the other gods would not have become what they are. Each one experiences thier own self power and that is why this picture is so fitting for this chapter.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Greek 5

1. Democracy
2. Architecture
3. Philosophy
4. Math
5. Science

I chose these five achievements because four of the five are what our modern society is based on. A lot of the professions today are what they are because they have rooted from basic maths and sciences. Our government is all democracy!  Well it may not be the same as the ancient greeks democracy it has formed from certain methods they used back then. Some buildings, even some more modern buildings, follow certain structural values as the greek architecture. It is beautiful the way the greeks sculpted buildings and made them more like pieces of art. They gave us the techniques and foundation on which to build up new cities and structures. I basically chose these five things because they seem to be the most influential on our modern day society.

Greek 3

Greek Name
Roman Name
Goddess of love and beauty; Goddess of pleasure; Goddess of Laughter and Fertility; Daughter of Zeus; Mother of Eros; Wife to Hephaestus
Myrtle, Dove, Sparrow, Swan, Sceptre, Swallow, Hearts, Red Roses, Cupids
God of War;        Parents: Zeus & Hera (their most hated child); Aphrodite is his mistress
Spear, Dog,  Sword, Helmet
Goddess of the Moon; Goddess of Virginity and Childbirth; Protector of Youth and Children; Twin sister Phoebus; Parents: Zeus and Leto
Bear, Bow, Deer, Forest, Moon, Cyprus Tree
Goddess of Wisdom; Brain child of Zeus; Most Intelligent; Patron God of Cities and Civilized Life; God of handy craft Parents:Zeus and Metis
Agriculture, Wisdom, War, Purity, Aegis, Owl, Olive Tree, Athens, Golden Bridal, Flute, Weaving Loom, Helmets, Staff, Shield, Spider Webs, Head of Medusa
Centaur; God of Music; God of Hunting; Half- man , Half Horse; Only tamed Centaur; Great Teacher and Profit; can veiw the future to an extent; Parents: Cronus & Philyra
Wilderness, Horse, Music, Owl, Serpent
 God of time; Ruler of the Titans; God of agriculture; Wife is Rhea; Father to many Gods; Parents: Ouranus and Gaea
Crow, Candle, Harvest, Sicle, Stone, Sun, Moon, Stars, Planets
First of three children of Ouranus and Gaea; massive beings with one eye; considered monsters with no   respect for the gods
lightning, thunder bolt, sound of thunder, earthquake, huge one-eyed sheep
Goddess of agriculture; God of Corn, Sowing, Reaping, and the harvest; Earth Goddess, Patron goddess of marriage
Sceptre, Torch, Golden Sheeves of Corn, Harvest, Poppy, Cane, Pine Cone, Cornucopia, Cow, Sheeps, Doves, Bee, Horses, Pigs, Dolphin
 God of wine; Patron god of animal life and vegetation life; God of Intoxication; Believes in freedom and civilazation; God of drama and Fertility; Earth god
Grape Vine, Ivy, Thyrsos, Golden Challis, Dolphin, Torch, Grapes, Purple Cloak, Serpent, Ram, Tiger, Panther, Lynx, Leppard
 God of love; Son of Aphrodite and Ares; Gangster of love; God of the wedding
Bow and Arrow, Blindfold, Magic Bow, Silver, Lead, and Gold Arrows, Pierced Heart
The Three Graces
Goddesses of happiness,beauty & feast; Names Aglia (splendor), Euphrosyne (mirth), Thalia (Good Cheer); Queens of song, banquets, and social life
Full Banquet Table, Songs, Myrtle Tree, Grace, Beauty, Dance, Purity, Flowers, Young Maidens, Gentleness, Decorum, Gratitude
The Graie
The Graeae
 Gray-haired since birth, have only one eye and one tooth that they share; They lived on the outer layer of the ocean; Known for wisdom; Feast on flesh and Human Brains which they cook; Their names are Enyo, Dino, and Pephredo
Eye, Tooth, Boiling Couldren, Long Gray Hair
 God of the mineral wealth of the earth; Zeus' brother; Third in Power; Ruler of the dead; Wife Persephone;
Sceptre, Cerberus, a cap of invisibility, the key to the underworld, all precious metals and gems; three headed dog, a two pronged staff, black cyprus, black chariot, horses. Four seasons, ram, dolphin
God of fire, volcanic activity, smiths, & craftsmen; Blacksmith of the gods, patron of the gods
Axe, Forge, Tongs, Volcanic Eruptions, Anvil, Fire, and Beautiful Jewelry
 Goddess of marriage & women; Zeus' wife and sister;  Protector of marriage; leader of goddesses; patron of married woman; protector of woman in child birth; Mother of Ares and Hephaestus
Sceptre, Diadem, Peacock, City of  Argos, Cow, Rainbow, Lily, Infants
The messenger God; Delivered Pandora to punish man; master thief; God of commerce; Protects travelers; God of athletes and speech; Brings souls to the underworld; Patron of Doctors
Winged Helmet and Sandals, Caduceus, Lyre, Magic Wand, Doctors Staff, Tortoise, Palm Tree, Dog
Goddess of hearth & home
home, newborn child, palm tree, dog, sheep, fire place
Born Human; Made intom a gorgon by Athena; Cries blood tears, has brass claws and Brass Wings, has Serpent Hair; Killed by Perseus; After she died Pegasus arose from her bleeding trunk; Can Turn a man to stone with one glance; Parents: Phorcys & Ceto
Statues of man, serpents, Pegasus, Bow and Arrow
The Muses
 Inspiring goddesses of songs; Clio - History, Urania - Astronomy, Melpomene - Tragedy, Thalia - Comedy, Terpsichere - Dance, Calliope - Epic Poetry, Erato - love poetry, Polyhymnia - Songs to the gods, Euterpe - Lyric Poetry
Disciplines of Literature, Art and Science, Stairway, Flute, Drama Mask
 God of shepherds & flocks; Satyr, he has Goat hands, legs, and hoofs and human arms and head; Father Hermes; God of woods and fields; Patron god of the shepherds; Patron and Protector of all forest animals; Invented the Shepherd Pipes
Animals, Red Pine
Queen of Hades; Goddess of springtime; Parents: Demeter and Zeus
Light Side - Cornucopia overflowing with Flowers, Farm Animals, Palmegranite, Flowing Stream; Dark Side - Cave, Skull
God of Music; Son of Zeus; Twin Brother of Artemis; God of Truth, Archery, Philosophy, and Light; Great Healer; God of Prophecy
Bow, Lyre, Laurel Tree, Dolphin, Crow, Silver Bow, Lighted Torch, Sun Golden Chariot
God of earthquakes & the sea; Brother of Zeus; Second in Power; Ruler of Sea; God of Fertility
Trident, Horse, Bull, Dolphin, Sea Horses, Waves, Earthquakes
Goddess of fertility of female body; Cybele; Wife of Cronus; Mother of Zeus and many others; Helper of the Harvest; Goddess of Craftiness and Slyness of Woman; Goddess of Motherhood
Stone, Lioness, Mothers, Sneaky Women
 God of the heavens, weather, fate, & kings; Rain God; Cloud Gatherer; Thunder Maker; Lord of the Universe; Son of Cronus and Rhea; Many Brothers and Sisters Parents: Cronus and Rhea
Thunderbolt, Eagle, Oak Tree, Aegis, Eagle, Golen Mist, Bull, Swan, Dear

Project for Ancient Egypt

Prezi on Ancient Egypt

I originally started using Empressr, but HATED it. So instead I made a Prezi. I am used to using Prezi because I have used it for other assignments in different subjects. At first it was confusing but once I got the hang of it, it was easy! I wouldn't use it again though unless I absolutley had to because it is time consuming if you aren't tech saavy.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Greek 2

Sparta and Athens were both similar yet different. They shared the same form of government, known as an Assembly, by which the people voted for its members. Except Sparta was ruled by 2 kings, that ruled until they died or were forced out of office. And Athens was ruled by Archons who were elected on a year to year basis. Spartan life was simple and Athenian life was a "creative wonderland" so to speak. Spartans focused on obedience and war, whereas Athens you were able to get a good education and pursue a career in any art or science.Fighting in wars was mandatory for the Spartans but Athenians had the choice on whether or not they wanted to. As you can see, the two city states were more different then they were similar.

Sparta VS Athens

I would honestly prefer to live in Athens because it is more relaxed and easy going. Also Athens allows people to express their creativity and discover their true passion without being forced to fight a war or being prevented from discovering their full potential. It just seems like the people of Athens would be much happier and live fuller, richer lives.

Greek 1

1.People first lived in Greece about 55,000 years ago.
2.Some of the frescoes show the Minoans worshipping a bull and an Earth goddess.
3.In Knossos, the Minoans built a great civilization.
4.The Mycenaeans adopted many elements of Minoan civilization.
5.Citizens met in the agora to discuss common issues.
6.Greeks would often travel to oracles to ask questions about the future.
7.We do not really know who the author or authors of the two epic poems attributed to Homer were; however, the period described is often called the Homeric Age.
8.The Greeks created myths to explain their world.
9.The Olympics were probably held for the first time in 776 B.C. to honor the god Zeus.
10.As hoplites became more important to the city-states, they demanded more say in the city's government.
11.Helots made up the third and lowest group in Spartan society.
12.Ephors were elected from the Spartan assembly, which included all male citizens over 30 years old.
13.Sparta's goal was to make every adult male citizen part of the military machine.
14.Draco's laws were so harsh and severe that today we call a harsh law a Draconian law.
15.Metics could not take part in government or own land.
16.Trade was the mainstay of Athen's economy.
17.Terracing means carving small, flat plots of land from hillsides.
18.Even at home, women were expected to stay in the background.
19.Parents arranged marriages and often girls were married at 13 or 14 to men twice their age or older.
20.Men called Sophists opened schools for older boys in the 400s B.C.
21.Pericles was a great general, orator, and statesman in Athens, and was responsible for building the Parthenon and the Acropolis.
22.In 492 B.C., Darius' forces conquered Thrace and Macedonia; however, the Athenians stopped his invasion of Greece.
23.Thucydides authored a book titled the History of the Peloponnesian Wars.
24.The Persian navy was larger than the Athenian navy, but the Athenian ships were smaller and more maneuverable and sank most of the Persian fleet.
25.The Persian War between Greece and Persia lasted from about 500 B.C. to 479 B.C.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

post 10

Darius was the most influential Persion leader because he expanded the Persion Empire by sending his armies to conquer Thrace and Macedon as well as built huge temples and palaces throughout Persia. He was best known for his innovative building projects, The Royal Road, a massive canal, as well as a bridge of boats. Darius united the Persian empire and established a postal system. Religious tolerance was practiced under his rule. If it hadn't been for Darius the results of todays society would not exist.

Post 9

Monday, March 7, 2011

Post 3



I think that Timeline 2 would be a better addition to our textbook because it gives more detail about each event. Also with the first timeline it only gives you the general events. The second timeline allows you to see the general and get some background as well. But it is also beneficial to have the second one because it includes more events than the first one. We could benefit from the second one because of what information it supplies us with.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Post 11- Curiosity Killed the Cat

I am interested in finding out about what the Egyptians know as far as the human anatomy and nutrition goes. I am going to research how they knew what to eat and what would nourish their bodies. Then I am going to find out how their diet was influenced by their class, whether they were considered to be royalty or whether they were the lowest in society. If they were in the lowest class I want to inquire if they had more illness and disease because they couldn't get the better end foods. Whereas we could assume that in the higher classes they get the best of the best, so disease would be unlikely.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Post 8- And the award goes to....

And the award for most important empire goes to the Sumerians.

- The Sumerians created their own form of writing known as Cuneiform, as well as developed a math system based on the number 60. Although the Sumerians built their empire by tearing down the empires of others, they succeeded in perfecting the ideas of others and building upon those ideas. Without the Sumerians, other civilizations would not have learned how to prosper and survive the cruel intentions of other civilizations.

Post 7- Northern gets laws?..what?

Northern's Hammurabi Code of Laws

1. If girls dress inappropriately, they will be forced to change into clothes that cover their full bodies and their inappropriate clothes will be burned.

2. Failure to turn in assignments on time will result in spending the class period in the corner, facing away from everyone.

3. If kids stop in the middle of the hallway to talk to their friends and create a traffic jam, they will be shoved into lockers.

4. Student's who disrespect teachers will be smacked across the face by said teacher.

5. Tardy to class will result in excess amounts of extra work.

6. Bringing dangerous weapons to school will result in death of said person with said weapon.

7. Bullying other students will result in banishment.

8. Teachers who fail to meet all requirements of said profession will be fired on the spot.

9. Stealing food from the lunch ladies will result in a starvation period of 3 days.

10. Lack of respect for others and their belongings will result in confiscation of prized possessions.

11. Inappropriate language will result in said person's mouth being sealed with super glue.

12. If rules listed are not enforced by person in charge, person in charge as well as "rule breakers" will be severely beaten.

Post 6- Hammurabi's Code Today

Hammurabi's Code of Laws

1: If a man be guilty of incest with his daughter, he shall be driven from the place (exiled).
      - It is so extremely wrong to have "intimate relations" with your daughter and if I could decide the punishment I would rule the death sentence for this law because it is just so terrible.
 2: If he break another man's bone, his bone shall be broken.
      - This is simple, don't do to others that you wouldn't want done to you. So if you don't want your arm broken don't go break someone else's arm. It should be enacted because then people wouldn't do such stupid things.

3: If any one is committing a robbery and is caught, then he shall be put to death.
      - Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. We sort of do enact this law only with a less harsh punishment. But the truth is that people commit crimes thinking they will get away with it. If they get caught, they have to be able to face the consequences.4: If any man, without the knowledge of the owner of a garden, fell a tree in a garden he shall pay half a mina in money.
      - This is like the second law I picked. Only it was an accident, so therefore it is fair that the person pay for the damage to be fixed but that be the only punishment. It would be unnecessary to enforce a harsher punishment.

5: If any one steal the property of a temple or of the court, he shall be put to death, and also the one who receives the stolen thing from him shall be put to death.
      -It is just wrong to steal anything from a religious place of worship and same goes for the justice system. I don't know if death is the appropriate punishment for something that isn't the most extreme. But I would definitely enforce a  punishment for the crime.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Post 5- Fertile Crescent = MOST AMAZING PLACE ON EARTH!

Dear Devil Lady,
There is no better place on Earth then the Fertile Crescent! With an outstanding irrigation system from the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers, our agriculture is most abundant and nothing surpasses our civilization. This is home to us. We established our form of writing, known as Cuneiform. Our education has excelled since we have created our writing system. Not only that but our religious beliefs are more advanced than any civilization around and our extensive list of Gods is top notch. What does the Indus River Valley offer us that the Fertile Crescent hasn't already provided our civilization with? We would never consider leaving this place... not for anything!

Post 4- Attention: Sumerians!

Dear Sumerian People,
The new hot spot that everyone is talking about is the Indus River Valley!! Because of the abundant water supply, agriculture is prosperous. The river valley is also surrounded by mountains which makes for better protection if an attack of war were to break out. The mountains also prevent diseases from entering the valley and creating a problem amongst the people in the civilization. Provided is transportation by early forms of boats and carts as well as the availability of fresh crops such as wheat, barley, rye, cotton, and domesticated animals. Our irrigation system exceeds all expectations of other civilizations as well as our own expectations. Housing though is simple and ideal, but sometimes even luxurious. All houses have access to the water and are completely accomodating to all families. If this isn't convincing enough to get you to come to the Indus River Valley then I dont know what is! So come and prosper!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Post Two- Quizzes three, four and five

1. The Sumerian civiization arose in the Tigris-Euphrates Valley
2.The strip of fertile land that begins at the Isthmus of Suez and arcs through Southwest Asia to the Persian Gulf is called the Fertile Crescent
3. Sumerian writing, today called Cuneiform , was made by pressing a stylus into clay tablets.
4. The Sumerians may have invented the arch , a curved structure over an opening.
5. Sumerian temples, called Ziggurats , were made of baked brick placed in layers and looked like a wedding cake.
6. Assyrians were the first to use cavalry- soldiers on horseback.
7. Code of Hammurabi is a collection of Babylonian laws which dealt with all aspects of life
8. Nebuchadnezzer's hanging gardens were one of the Seven Wonders of the world.
9. The Akkadians were mesopotamian people who attacked and conquered the Sumerians.
10. Hittites were some of the first people to smelt iron.
11. The present-day regions of Israel, Lebanon, and Syria were once called Phoenicians.
12. Phoenicia consisted of a loose confederation of City- States, each governed by a different king.
13. The Phoenicians invented the art of glass- blowing, and the city of Sidon became the well-known home of this industry.
14. Phoenicians also collected shellfish called murex to make a purple dye.
15. Phoenician sculptors often used ivory, highly prized in the ancient world, which was imported from North and East Africa.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Post One: OH HEY!

I am interested in Student Council, Photography, Community Service, Food, Shopping, Interior Design...Basically anything artsy. I am unique because I don't let what people think get the best of me. I am an individual who doesn't follow others and believes you shouldn't please anyone but yourself...unless you want to. I took this class because everyone I talked to said this was going to be a fun class and I'm on a mission to have every teacher at Northern. Not really. I am not really intrigued by ancient civilizations because I honestly don't have an expansive knowledge of them. But I hope to recieve a better understanding of the civilizations, be able to compare it to today's society, and become a blogger. well not out of choice.